Something is wrong with this picture!

I recently purchased this cute tin lunch box at my favorite thrift shop. I new the photo on it was of a famous painting. I just could not remember who’s. I did not read any of the labels. It was cute, different and colorful, just the right size for small objects like bracelets or earrings stored in “my room” .
I loved it and was excited to figure out where it would fit. I found a perfect spot for it in “my bedroom”. That night for the first time in a long time I kept on waking up. It was an unusual uneasy night. Many Short dreams of “I don’t remember” and waking up every 30 minutes max.
The next morning as I was puzzled about the previous night, my first thought was “What changed”? What did I eat? What was the last time I ate literally? After scanning the room for clues of what changed the dynamics of the room, It all came down to the tin lunch box “The room”.
I do enjoy researching and investigating. I live in my own experimental world. Motivated by the thought of ” I did not want to have another uneasy sleepless night” I decided to take the “tin lunch box” out of “my room”. To be safe I put it outside on my balcony.
The next morning, during my morning coffee moments taking in some sun, I saw the box. I slept so good I had forgotten about the night before. I remembered seeing a tag on the box and decided to read. The painting on the “tin lunch box” is “The Bedroom” by Vincent van Gogh. My mind started to wonder and it all became very clear to me!
The “Tin lunch box” has been moved to the my art gallery room. Hopefully it will have found its place in “The Room”.